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Government Affairs

The Government Affairs Committee brings focus to issues that can positively influence businesses, and issues that can be costly or unfriendly to conducting business.

This committee works to build ongoing relationships with local, state, and federal officials to advocate the business viewpoint on key issues dealing with economic development and quality of life. Selection to this committee takes place each May and is subject to approval by the Chamber Board of Directors.


Committee Responsibilities:

  • Research issues affecting local businesses.
  • Gather input from local businesses on issues most important to them.
  •  Provide education and resources to businesses.
  •  Be informed on legislative issues and advocate on the local, state, and federal levels.
  •  Monitor and develop positions.
  •  Encouraging positive actions from elected officials.
  •  Host Legislative Coffees and events to give business people opportunities to meet
    and interact with legislators.
  • Meet with legislators in Topeka and Washington to discuss business-friendly legislation.
  •  Adoption and support of an annual legislative agenda.
  • Conduct Q&A candidate forums with candidates during elections.


Points of Focus

  • Business Friendly Environment
  • Workforce Development and Job Creation
  • Immigration
  • Health & Human Services
  • Transportation
  • Energy & Natural Resources
  • Health
  • Education

For more information on how to join the Government Affairs Committee, please contact the Chamber at (620) 276-3264.

Legislative Agendas

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